Después, hicieron un taller de reciclaje. Cada niño usó su imaginación para crear un juguete de materiales que iban a ir a la basura, como botellas de plástico, papeles de revistas usadas... de esta forma se le da una nueva vida a cosas que se iban a tirar y ayudamos a cuidar el medioambiente.
The group pf DREAMS OF GAIA of the Attention Centre "Hogar Feliz Teen Chalengue" from Costa Rica, in their workshop of March the 28th, had a meeting and discussed about the Children Rights.
After that, they made a recycling workshop. Each child used his or her imagination to create a toy with materials like plastic bottles, used newspapers... in thus we give new life to things that would be thrown and we help taking care of the environment.
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